Enhance, Perform + Recover

Curated packages for athletes, gym go-ers and health + fitness enthusiasts

Optimize performance. Recover like a pro.

Find your edge. Improve performance. Recover faster. Eliminate pain. Optimize your body and mind. 

Heal and strengthen your body with treatments curated for athletes, sports teams, avid gym goers and health + fitness enthusiasts. 

Optimize your workouts, achieve peak performance and recover like a pro.




This is The Place to Become your Superbeing

Accelerate your performance

Optimize your recovery + reduce downtime

Minimize aches + revive muslces

Recharge your body + mind to become your Superbeing


I never thought that a few minutes in sub-zero temperatures could have such a profound impact on my athletic performance until I tried cryotherapy. The cold shock to my system not only wakes me up mentally but also primes my body for intense workouts.

As an athlete, the last thing I want is to be sidelined by injuries. Red light therapy has been instrumental in preventing and healing injuries for me. I've noticed a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of injuries since incorporating red light therapy into my recovery routine.

As an athlete, staying healthy and warding off illnesses is crucial for consistent training and competition. IV therapy has played a significant role in boosting my immune system and improving my overall resilience.

Why These Treatments are Great for You!

Visit us!

101 Locke Street South, Hamilton 

Walk-ins welcome!